Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I Love Beacon

After the last posting, J was concerned that I painted Beacon in a bad light compared to Santa Fe. I suppose I did, but only to illustrate the point of view of those incredulous ones who so bluntly asked "why?" when we moved here (see previous posting). So to set the record straight, I love Beacon, and I'm glad it's my home. 

In fact, I feel a song coming on!* I love Beacon in the springtime:

I love Beacon in the fall:

I love Beacon in the summer, when it sizzles:

And in the winter...well, not so much. But I've never been a huge fan of that season, anywhere. Still, plenty to enjoy, including the three red foxes and two deer we saw on our walk along the Hudson this afternoon. Our friend Jennifer, who spent 13 years in Nevada before moving here, and who still gets claustrophobic from the unrelenting green foliage of summer, says she likes the winter because everything opens up a bit more. You can see the sky, and even catch glimpses of the horizon sometimes.  

And the dogs love the snow, and it's the one time of year when we don't have to worry about ticks. So you see, I really do love Beacon, every season, every year.

Next up: My answer to the "why" question.

*Please don't sue me, estate of Les Baxter.

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