Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ten things I'll miss when winter's gone

Winter is not my favorite month. In fact, it's my least favorite month. Still, in sticky, sweaty, sweltering August, I'll be pining for snow and ice. So here are some things that I love about winter, and that I'll miss when it's gone:

1. Seeing Orion 
2. Reading or working on a puzzle with J in front of the pellet stove
3. The absence of mosquitoes, ticks, and fruit flies
4. Having a tiny bit more time than in summer when everything is in full swing and the garden and clients clamor for attention
5. The quality of the light - long, blue shadows on vivid white snow - and the soft, muted tones of dormant nature
6. Hot cooking in the kitchen: Baking desserts, roasting vegetables, making soup (and then eating it all)
8. Dinner and bed early, then getting up early the next day - never seems quite as easy when it gets dark so late
9. The way the landscape opens up here in the Hudson Valley
10. Seeing my witch hazel (above) begin to bloom, and feeling hopeful for spring's arrival


  1. Very,very good images!!Congratulations.

  2. Good to remember these things. I'm not a winter-ophiile either, but I love these. Especialy Orion, and the winter cooking, and the lack o' bugs.

  3. I was just thinking about how Orion is less present in the sky, and about how it's one of the few winter things that I like. It's good to make a list like this one. Thanks!
